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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Star Wars : Monopoly System : PC - Windows Date Added : 2002-07-27 14:48:16 Views : 22654 Cheat : Strategy : The Game's AI is quite predictable. "...it will exchanege anything ( and that includes everything) for a monopoly..." You can choose to play the hardest level for all computer controlled players. They all have the same folly. I found that computer controlled will accecpt trade to complete a monopoly of colors. Keep trading and don't be afraid if you have to mortgage your properties (this is part of the strategy). I always mortgage the property i wish to trade. This set back the recipient a few bucks. Allow computer controlled to have a monopoly by trading for all the cards he have (that is not included in his monopoly suit) and all his gold (just leave him like $10). Computer controlled player even in the difficult level will fall for that. Lure the sucker into your properties. If he/she can't pay the rent, he/she will be out of the game and all his/her card will be yours. I have tried this strategy for like 15 times and i won 15 times. It ain't a cheat but it sure is a sure fire strategy. Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more Star Wars : Monopoly cheat codes.
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